
Sri Lanka and its Good News

Sri Lanka produces more good news than precious stones and tea plantations. The resplendent brightness of theSri Lankan people with their loving hearts and hospitality. A people who have forgiven and taken the path to peace in this end of the Earth. Glory to God! 

Sri Lanka is a diverse country. The majority of the population is Buddhist, but there are Hindus, Muslims, and Christians as well. This Muslim family, like many here, was very friendly and generous, and very welcoming to foreigners.

In 2004, an earthquake in Southeast Asia reached the shores of many countries, including Sri Lanka, in the form of tsunamis. According to Wikipedia, the tsunami killed more than 35,000 people in Sri Lanka, twice as many people as the 2011 earthquake and tsunamis in Japan. More than half a million people, living in conditions like these seen here, were displaced from their homes. Please continue to pray for healing here and God´s provision.

This hotel building was bombed and is still abandoned with damages. Sri Lanka suffered a 30 year civil war in which an estimated 80,000-100,000 people died. With the end of the war in 2009, the Sri Lankan people are still recovering from the trauma of war. We give thanks to God for peace in the nation and for the healing power of the Holy Spirit.

These children came from a poverty stricken neighborhood. When they saw us, they came running and we played games, sang Hallelujah, and prayed together! Praise the Lord!
We thank you again and again for your continued prayers, support, and love.


Sowing God´s word in the Cambodian vineyard

Sowing God´s word in the Cambodian vineyard, very close to landmines left behind during times of conflict. Here little sheep without a Shepherd surviving day by day with the occasional sales to tourists. We hope these people, especially the children, can become part of your prayers. Many blessings and glory to God!

Power of God in nature taking possession of man´s construction.
Part of the largest temple ruins on Earth.

Jesus did not stop the children He rejoiced with them. These children are forced laborers, many of which are forced to work because they have been abandoned by their fathers, some authorities, and some social indifference.

Children recyclers on the streets in Cambodia. Some of them live and sleep in the streets. We edited their faces for protection but we believe their faces are protected by angels who see the face of God constantly.

Sharing one of the signs of the Kingdom, joy. Many of these children work more than 8 hours per day, 7 days a week outdoors in the heat, rain, and cold. Thanks to those who have donated and prayed for the MLW mission, these children now have a shelter where they can go to rest during their long days of work.

May His light shine on in these children and their families. In the Kingdom we all will look like children in spirit. Most of these children do not have a father, however, they prayed with us to the Father, Jehovah, in a country where, according to Wikipedia 95% of the population is Buddhist.

With only one arm, this little angel is full of joy and humility. He led us to visit his mom in the hospital and the entire room of patients along with her accepted prayer in Christ´s name. Even though none of the patients in the hospital spoke English, they allowed and encouraged us to lay hands on them to pray for healing and miracles, which we believe manifested.  Hallelujah!
Fishing and sowing with faith in Cambodia. The man reading the Bible here accepted Jesus as His Savior! A Bible in a bookstore in the Cambodian languages costs $15, which represents 50% of the average monthly wage.

Channel News Asia reports that 5 million people in Cambodia (approximately one third of the population) earn less than $1 per day. This woman pictured here is selling cooked eggs, which she carries all day long.  She sells each egg for .25 cents.


Witnesses of peace in times of war

In these last few days when the threats of war, protests, rapes, and war dominates in the media, God has called us to share and spread His peaceful, corrective, and joyous ways. The Lord warned us about the current danger and persecution in India and we are now waiting and serving on God´s timing with the loving peace of the Cambodian people and their territory of hope. 

We have found the people here in Cambodia  very open and receptive  to the word of God, even inside Buddhist temples. After a horrendous genocide that happened only a few decades ago, with more than 2 million people who died, and left entire families at times with only one or two survivors, remarkably we have seen the reflections in people´s eyes full of love, hope, and forgiveness. The harvest is big and there is still much lack of freedom and economic challenges and a thirst of justice. Attached you will see some photos.

May God bless you and thank you so much for your love and prayers.

Our new brother in Christ who accepted Jesus with us telling us about landmines.jpgTwo brothers in Christ one who lost his arm and the other his fingers in the civil war.jpgRecyclers on the border of Thailand and Cambodia.jpg


Malaysia, Singapore, and praying to continue to India

We are very grateful for the generosity and invitation of Isabel and Pastor Ong and his lovely family to share with the home churches they have established in Singapore. God guided us to share from the Word and also our testimonies. And as well, the Pastors encouraged us to present a puppet show about the power of prayer and preventing bullying to the children who are from families from Singapore and China. 

Also, one of Pastor Ong´s very kind leaders, invited us to attend his church. It was mission Sunday and God surprised us with many divine appointments. Before going to Singapore, God showed us in a vision the flag of India. At the church in Singapore on Sunday, their focus was on India and their mission work there. We met pastors and missionaries who invited us to do work with them there. we hope and pray to work with there soon. We are praying for God´s provision and favor for the Visa for India and to be able to travel there soon.

We are now back in Kuala Lumpur where we hope and pray to process our Visas for India. Prior to our mission trip to Singapore, the Suka Society invited us to do a program for a a protection home of teenagers and women who were victims of human trafficking in Malaysia. There were over 140 women in the protection home from various countries such as: India, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. It was really impacting to see the women at first, because many looked so sad and desperate. It was very challenging as well, since we could not share directly about our faith and we did not know how the women would perceive a puppet show or other parts of the program. However, the joy of the Lord filled the women during the entire program. They were transformed by joy and words of forgiveness and hugs of healing. They became like the girls, the precious princesses of the mighty Father who loves them so much. Praise God! The Suka Society has invited us to do more presentations at schools for refugee children and even a very special program for Ramadan. We will send photos as soon as we can of the women´s protection shelter. There are photos attached of Singapore. 

Thank you again for being part of this mission, for supporting and blessing our ministry and for your prayers lifted up in God´s precious name. 

Home church group Singapore.jpg Sharing with home church Singapore.jpgPastors Ong and Jesse and their daughter Anastasia.jpgSO happy with the puppets.jpg
With Pastor and missionary Singapore church.jpg


Much love from Malaysia

 God allowed us to finish the mission in Thailand. We ask you to continue to pray for the seeds of faith that were sown there. May many believers water those seeds with His Word, love, and hope. Specifically in Bangkok and the city of Pattaya (the largest prostitution area in the world), where many people are enslaved to sin and sadness.

We send much love and many blessings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Thanks to our wonderful God and your love, prayers, and support, Malaysia is the first Muslim country where we have ever done mission work. Though Malaysia has freedom of religion. God called us to come here during Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. 

God showed us to go to Batu Caves and the National Mosque. The Holy Spirit was guiding us to the National Mosque. It is open to visitors and they must dress in appropriate attire. The Father gave us favor and we were invited to come inside of the praying hall of the Mosque where we prayed and had a conversation about Jesus. We were honest about our lives. And at the end the Father allowed us to pray together in the Mosque, praise God.

We noticed the big respect that they have for other believers here. In fact, here there are three different predominant religions Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism and  all they seem to live in a permanent peace,  interacting with one another and in friendships across religious borders. The people have been very, very friendly  and respectful, most of them speak English very well. We highly recommend to you to pray to come and share the love and the forgiveness of the Father here in Malaysia. 

As well the Father guided us to Batu Caves, the main Hinduism pilgrimage site for the Malaysian and Hinduism community, where nearly 1 million people come to worship during the month of January. In a vision, the Father encouraged us to bring the size of a mustard and pray for the mountain there since the Bible says that they will be then thrown into the sea. The importance of the obstacles (like those mountains) being under the sea is that it allows us to see the light, in the high places, where the Father lives on the top of our hearts and minds,

Inside Batu Caves.jpg

Giovanny and Wan, an official at the National Mosque.jpg
Joanna with Muslim woman at National Mosque.jpgGod is our high tower.jpg
Inside National Mosque.jpgThe Father allowed us to pray for a young guy and we ask your prayers for this seed over his life, his name is Shatishnayar. Please pray also for Wan the official guide and a leader of the National Mosque, and for more divine appointments here in Kuala Lumpur and wherever the Spirit shows us. Also please pray for two possibilities to visit the children of refugees and orphans here.  

National Mosque.jpg

Batu Caves with Statue of Lord.jpg


Blessings from Bangkok

Thanks to your support and prayers, God allowed us to safely leave Shanghai, China to Hong Kong, where we stayed for a few days before continuing on to Bangkok. 

The Lord has put Thailand on our hearts, especially for His lost children and women in prostitution. Thailand ranks very high on international lists (in some lists it is at the very top) as a sexual tourist destination, even for child prostitutes. Jesus was very clear about how God loves prostitutes, not only with His words but with His love for Mary Magdalene, a love that transformed her and freed her from sin and evil. God has put Jesus´s love in us to help people like Mary Magdalene here. He opened a door for us to visit and pray at a ministry that works directly in the Red Light district of Bangkok, giving counseling, bible studies, and job opportunties to women who want to change their lives and allow God´s love to tranform them. For information and to see the beautiful gifts they sell, you can visit http://www.rahabministriesthailand.com/

Women from Rahab Ministries.jpg
Women from Rahab Ministries

Beautiful gifts for sale  from Rahab Ministries.jpg
Beautiful gifts for sale from Rahab Ministries
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Children on the streets of Bangkok
God has also allowed us to share the Gospel and the love of Christ on the streets of Bangkok and with fellow believers at a local church. The Lord has allowed us to share with a Buddhist monk, children on the street, a few young women in the Red Light district, and many more. He has also encouraged us to encourage our brothers and sisters in  Christ here from India, Uganda, Nigeria, the Philippines, and other countries as well. Please pray for one person in particular, our sister, Faith Grace who is from Uganda and has decided to be a missionary here in Thailand. She is a teacher and has eight children. 
Monks praying in Buddhist temple.JPG
Monks praying in Buddhist temple
Faith Grace from Uganda and brothers of Christ from Nigeria.JPG
Faith Grace from Uganda and brothers of Christ from Nigeria

Please pray for the seeds of faith that have been sown here to grow and multiply, and for those who have been encouraged to continue to experience the Lord´s love and power in their lives. 

We are so thankful that you are part of this mission and we pray that God continues to bless you with His favor, His love, His abundant blessing, and His joy!

Short update from Shanghai, China

Many blessings from Shanghai. We want to let you know about the Father´s business and fruits in Shanghai. 

The Father has been guiding us to the main and largest points in population on Earth, and shown us to pray for blessings of righteousness, joy, and peace around and inside of important buildings there, as well as directly with people.

We were able as well to finally visit and share the love of the Father in an orphanage here in Shanghai. The majority of the children there are abandoned by their parents due to costly medical conditions, like cleft lip, heart problems, hydrocephalus, among others. We were able to play, hold, and pray for many of the precious babies and it is still on our hearts to adopt in the future. We´d love to one day start a foundation as well to rescue children at risk of the nations most affected by violence and calamities.
We have continued reaching out to the homeless and people on the streets, offering them the Father´s love, reaching out to touch them and pray for them. Here there are many people in need and their response to the Father´s love is full of kindness, love, and thankfulness.
Thank you so much for your prayers and love. We still have challenges but we delight in serving our Father here, and we are very thankful that you are part of our mission and ministry.
We pray that the Father continues placing your light on high, to shine as an example to others. May He continue to comfort you and give you the desires of your hearts.

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